What is SEO Services ?

[text_divider more=””]What is SEO?[/text_divider]

Whenever a query is submitted into a search engine the result is a list of web results that contain the specific query term. Users normally tend to visit websites that are at the top of the list, as they perceive those to be more relevant to the query.

Some websites rank better than the others because of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), a powerful web marketing technique. SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a website in a search engine’s algorithmic search results (the SERP – search engine results page); structuring a web page so that it is found, read and indexed by search engines as effectively as possible. The more frequently a site appears in search results [highlight type=”light”]– be it on Google, Bing or Yahoo –[/highlight]  the more visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users and the higher its page ranking.

[image title=”SEO Services” align=”right” lightbox=”false” group=”” width=”0″ height=”0″ autoHeight=”true” link=”” frame=”false” underline=”true” link_class=””]http://www.developaweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/SEO-Services.png[/image] SEO targets different searches including image, video and text. When used as an online marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work and what for and how people search. Specifically, what words and phrases individuals key into their searches for goods and services online.

Website optimization involves editing web content and HTML to increase its relevance to specific key words and promoting a site to increase the number of targeted backlinks or inbound links.

[framed_box width=”0″ height=”0″]In short, SEO is a marketing technique that helps search engines find and rank your site higher than millions of other sites in response to a search query, thus increasing traffic on your site.[/framed_box] [success]Why should we do SEO? Potential clients are looking for you, but can they find you?[/success] [image title=”Pie seo” align=”left” lightbox=”false” group=”” width=”0″ height=”0″ autoHeight=”true” link=”” frame=”false” underline=”true” link_class=””]http://www.developaweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Pie-seo.png[/image]Consider what it would be like if no one could find your place of business or contact information. To stay in business you must make it easy for potentially valuable customers to find you. SEO is one of the most powerful marketing tools available on the Internet.

This because the average Internet user does not look any further than the second – if that – page of search results when looking online for a business or service, and they assume that if a business or service falls in the first two pages, it must be better than business that rank lower in the search results. Because SEO concentrates on getting organic or unpaid traffic to your website, it is a free marketing tool.

Once you understand how potential clients are searching for you, you can incorporate those key words or phases into your website content for website optimization

By maintaining a website that is rich in keywords and phrasing common to your industry, your website will be placed higher in the search engine results page and have higher traffic as a result. A SEO-compatible site will have lasting results in a search engine and gain increasing popularity over time.

[image title=”seo icon” align=”right” lightbox=”false” group=”” width=”0″ height=”0″ autoHeight=”true” link=”” frame=”false” underline=”true” link_class=””]http://www.developaweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/img3.png[/image] Major search engines use computer programs (commonly called robots or crawlers) to follow links from one page to another and retrieve the contents of each page. The contents are then indexed and added to the search engines’ databases.

It is the content of your website, both visible and behind the scenes, that can dramatically improve the chances of your site being found and customers through your door.

You can see some of our recent SEO works:

[portfolio column=”4″ nopaging=”true” sortable=”false” max=”8″ cat=”seo-internet-marketing” ids=”” title=”true” desc=”false” more=”Read more” group=”true” height=”165″ long=”false” scrollable=”true”]

Let us know if you have any questions about SEO services in Vancouver

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