Re-charge: 5 Ways to Avoid Burning Out at Work

5 Ways to Avoid Burning Out at Work

We’ve all been there, usually it strikes around mid-week or mid-day – that feeling of burning out. It creeps over you slowly and soon you just can’t focus on anything. You’re over tired and useless for the rest of the day. You want to put in 100% every day, but it’s hard to stay energized. We give you some tips on how to avoid burning out at work:

1. Free Timecircle2

This is just as important as any other part of your day. Make sure to schedule breaks and give your mind some rest. That means taking a moment to turn off your phone, put your computer on sleep mode, and completely unplug for at least 15 minutes per day. This is something so simple yet so effective. Even if you don’t try anything else on this list – give this one a go and see the results instantly.


2. Get Up

If you’re going to grab a cup of coffee, instead of hitting the break room, take a stroll down to a nearby by coffee shop. Stretch out, get some fresh air, and recharge by going outside instead of being stuck in an office all day. Don’t have time for that? Bring a yoga mat to work and try doing some stretches on your break. All it takes is 5-10 minutes of deep breathing and simple stretches to help your brain take a much needed break.


3. Read the Signsarrow-down

It’s important to know when you’re about to burnout, so make sure you’re listening to your body throughout the day. Are your eyes getting tired from looking at a screen for too long? Are you yawning every few minutes? Perhaps it’s just your leg falling asleep – no matter what, it is essential to know when a burnout is coming on so that you can take a moment to avoid it or give yourself a much needed break.


4. Get a Hobby

Keep in mind this should be something that can be done within an office space. Hobbies like knitting, hacky-sack or taking some time to indulge in a good book are all small space friendly hobbies that can take your mind off of the work day and give you time to focus on something else without reaching that burnout point.


5. Take a Napanalyize

If you are one of those people that can take a nap anywhere, anytime, you have an amazing skill that you need to put to use right away! 15 minute power-naps have been proven to be more effective at recharging the brain than an hour long snooze. So go ahead, catch some Z’s, you deserve it and this method is definitely one that works!

What is your favorite way to avoid burning out at work? Tell us in the comments below!


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