Re-Tweet: 4 Ways To Use Twitter For Your Business

4 Ways To Use Twitter For Your Business

By now we all know the power of social media and how effective it can be for businesses both small and large. However, there are still business owners out there that are skeptical and others that simply don’t know what they’re doing. That is wgghy we have complied a list of some absolute must-do’s when using Twitter for your business.

1. Trending Topicsfreequote

There is a delicate balance to using trending topics to your advantage as a business owner. The first rule of thumb is not to go overboard with making every trending topic somehow fit int your business. Tweet about things that are relevant. If you are an auto-repair business owner and you see that bad winter weather conditions are all over social media, take advantage and tweet out that your business has competitive prices for installing snow tires or fixing paint jobs that have been ruined by hailstorms. Know how to take trending topics and spin them, but don’t do this with every topic out there – only that ones that can apply to you!

2. Hashtagssocial media marketing

This is another area you don’t want to overdue. Again, less is more. There is nothing more irritating that a Tweet that is all hashtags and no content. Instead, try using a handful of hashtags for each tweet and gain a following through them. For example if you own a nail salon, after each tweet you can hashtag #nailart or #perfectmani. This way you are including topics that are relevant to your business and when others look at these hashtags, they have the opportunity to lead back to you!

3. Visuals234px-Twitter_Logo_Mini.svg

Many large companies are already aware of this but sometimes a tweeting a picture is more effective that anything 140 characters can say – after all a picture is worth a thousand words. Tweet out images of your work and encourage your customers to do so when they come by and are happy with the results they’ve received from you. The trick to this is to take a good solid photo. Make sure it’s not grainy or blurry and take some time to edit it before it goes online. All that’s left to do is let the image do the talking.

4. Follow/Followersarrow

It is easy to follow back for every follower you gain on Twitter, but that’s simply not that way to do it from a business stand point. The only people you want to be following are similar businesses, some news stations, and perhaps some larger companies that are in the same field and really understand the impact of social media. The reason for this is that its easy to get caught up in some online popularity contest when the focus should really be on the quality of the content.

What are some tips and tricks you use for social media? Let us know in the comments section!

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